Friday, November 14, 2014

Day 75: Winter Wonderland!

What a difference a couple of days can make. Two days ago we were basking in 80 degree, sunny weather in Death Valley. Today it was in the 20s (and the low tonight should be in the single digits) and we have almost a foot of snow on the ground (10 1/2 inches to be exact) here in Madras in Central Oregon. Last night's drive from Sunriver to Madras (about 60 miles) was the slowest and most treacherous drive of my entire journey. I actually packed a winter coat, gloves, hat, and boots when I left Salem on September 1 in case I encountered any winter weather. Near the very end of my trip I finally have. I donned all of my winter garb to shovel snow this morning for about an hour. I used the rest of the day to catch up on this blog, organize photos, and most importantly, play with my granddaughter. Hopefully the roads will clear enough for me to travel to Salem tomorrow and finish my journey around the continent.

My 9 month old granddaughter, Ellie, enjoying her lunch.

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