Sunday, November 2, 2014

Day 63: From Plantation Paradise to Petroleum Purgatory

Well, maybe that's overstating it a bit, but I like the alliteration. This morning (Sunday) dawned quite cool for these parts, with a temperature of only 38 degrees. It was still, clear, and sunny, though, so it still felt nice. After a delicious breakfast at the plantation restaurant (my wife and daughter finally got to try beignets!), we departed the plantation. We stopped to walk the levee and view the many ships and barges, and also were able to watch workers harvesting sugarcane.

Today we mostly drove (324 miles, bringing my total to 8,413). We traveled west on I-10 toward Houston, stopping for fuel, lunch, and rest breaks. The Texas Welcome Center afforded us a short tour on a boardwalk through a swamp. It was after dark by the time we arrived at our hotel in Webster, a suburb on the south side of Houston. We passed many oil refineries en route, lit up like Christmas decorations at night. They were oddly beautiful, and we found it ironic that something so industrial could be so attractive.

We've enjoyed amazingly good weather nearly every day since my wife and daughter joined me almost three weeks ago. Unfortunately, we can't say the same for our health. My wife and I have battled a nasty sinus infection for nearly the entire three weeks, and it is still hanging on. The perils of life on the road!

Ships and barges move huge amounts of cargo on the Mississippi.
Inside the Oak Alley restaurant.

Harvesting sugarcane.

In Vacherie, LA.
At the Texas Welcome Center on I-10.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear you've been sick, hope you are on the mend. Piggly Wiggly brings back memories, there was one by my house where I grew up in Parkrose (suburb or Portland).

    Get any pics of the lit-up oil rigs?
